树回归 CART算法
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from numpy import *def loadDataSet(filename):    dataMat=[]    f=open(filename)    for line in f.readlines():        curLine=line.strip().split('\t')        floatLine=list(map(float,curLine))        dataMat.append(floatLine)    return dataMatdef binSplitDataSet(dataSet,feature,value):    mat0=dataSet[nonzero(dataSet[:,feature]>value)[0],:]    mat1=dataSet[nonzero(dataSet[:,feature]<=value)[0],:]    return mat0,mat1def createTree(dataSet,leafType=regLeaf,errType=regErr,ops=(1,4)):    feat, val = chooseBestSplit(dataSet, leafType, errType, ops)    if feat == None: return val    retTree = {}    retTree['spInd'] = feat    retTree['spVal'] = val    lSet, rSet = binSplitDataSet(dataSet, feat, val)    retTree['left'] = createTree(lSet, leafType, errType, ops)    retTree['right'] = createTree(rSet, leafType, errType, ops)    return retTree







对每个特征:    对每个特征值:        将数据集切分成两份        计算切分后的误差        如果当前误差小于当前最小误差,将当前切分设定为最佳切分并更新最小误差    返回最佳切分的特征和阈值


def regLeaf(dataSet):   #负责生成叶节点,当chooseBestSplit函数确定不再对数据进行切分时,将调用regLeaf函数得到叶节点的模型    return mean(dataSet[:,-1])  #在回归树中,此模型就是目标变量的均值def regErr(dataSet):    # 误差估计函数,计算目标变量的平方误差,需要返回总误差,即为均方误差乘以数据集中样本个数    return var(dataSet[:, -1]) * shape(dataSet)[0]def chooseBestSplit(dataSet, leafType=regLeaf, errType=regErr, ops=(1, 4)): #ops为用户指定的参数,用于控制函数的停止时机    tolS = ops[0]  # 容许的误差下降值    tolN = ops[1]  # 切分的最少样本数    if len(set(dataSet[:, -1].T.tolist()[0])) == 1:  # 统计不同剩余特征值得数目,如果数目为一,就不需要再切分而直接返回        return None, leafType(dataSet)    else:        m, n = shape(dataSet)        S = errType(dataSet)    #误差        bestS = inf     #最小误差        bestIndex = 0        bestValue = 0        for featIndex in range(n - 1):  # 对所有特征进行遍历,找到最佳切分方式。最佳切分就是使得切分后能达到最低误差的切分            # for splitVal in set(dataSet[:, featIndex]):  # 遍历某个特征的所有特征值            for splitVal in set((dataSet[:, featIndex].T.A.tolist())[0]):                mat0, mat1 = binSplitDataSet(dataSet, featIndex, splitVal)  # 按照某个特征的某个值将数据切分成两个数据子集                if (shape(mat0)[0] < tolN) or (shape(mat1)[0] < tolN):  # 如果某个子集行数不大于tolN,也不应该切分                    continue                newS = errType(mat0) + errType(mat1)  # 新误差由切分后的两个数据子集组成的误差                if newS < bestS:  # 判断新切分能否降低误差                    bestIndex = featIndex                    bestValue = splitVal                    bestS = newS        if (S - bestS) < tolS:  # 如果误差降低不大则退出            return None, leafType(dataSet)        mat0, mat1 = binSplitDataSet(dataSet, bestIndex, bestValue)        if (shape(mat0)[0] < tolN) or (shape(mat1)[0] < tolN):  # 如果切分出的数据集很小则退出            return None, leafType(dataSet)        return bestIndex, bestValue





if __name__=='__main__':    myMat=loadDataSet('ex00.txt')    myMat=mat(myMat)    result=createTree(myMat)    print(result)


{'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.48813, 'right': -0.04465028571428572, 'left': 1.0180967672413792}





if __name__=='__main__':    myMat2=loadDataSet('ex2.txt')    myMat2=mat(myMat2)    myTree = createTree(myMat2, ops=(0, 1))    print(myTree)


{'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.499171, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.457563, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.455761, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.126833, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.124723, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.085111, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.084661, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.080061, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.068373, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.061219, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.044737, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.028546, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.000256, 'right': 9.668106, 'left': -8.377094}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.039914, 'right': 11.220099, 'left': 3.855393}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.053764, 'right': -13.731698, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.055862, 'right': -3.131497, 'left': 6.695567}}}, 'left': -15.160836}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.079632, 'right': 29.420068, 'left': 2.229873}}, 'left': -24.132226}, 'left': 37.820659}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.108801, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.10796, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.085873, 'right': -10.137104, 'left': -1.293195}, 'left': -16.106164}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.11515, 'right': 13.795828, 'left': -1.402796}}}, 'left': 22.891675}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.130626, 'right': -39.524461, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.382037, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.335182, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.324274, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.309133, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.131833, 'right': 22.478291, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.138619, 'right': -29.087463, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.156067, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.13988, 'right': 7.336784, 'left': 7.557349}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.166765, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.156273, 'right': 0.225886, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.164134, 'right': -27.405211, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.166431, 'right': -6.512506, 'left': -14.740059}}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.193282, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.176523, 'right': 0.946348, 'left': 18.208423}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.211633, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.202161, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.199903, 'right': -3.372472, 'left': -1.983889}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.203993, 'right': -22.379119, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.206207, 'right': -12.619036, 'left': -8.332207}}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.228473, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.222271, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.218321, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.217214, 'right': -3.958752, 'left': 1.410768}, 'left': -9.255852}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.2232, 'right': 15.501642, 'left': 19.425158}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.25807, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.228628, 'right': -2.266273, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.228751, 'right': -30.812912, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.232802, 'right': 1.222318, 'left': -20.425137}}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.284794, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.273863, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.264926, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.264639, 'right': 2.557923, 'left': 5.280579}, 'left': -9.457556}, 'left': 35.623746}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.300318, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.297107, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.295993, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.290749, 'right': -14.391613, 'left': -14.988279}, 'left': -1.798377}, 'left': -18.051318}, 'left': 8.814725}}}}}}}}}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.310956, 'right': -49.939516, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.318309, 'right': -27.605424, 'left': -13.189243}}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.32889, 'right': 39.783113, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.331364, 'right': -1.290825, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.3349, 'right': 18.97665, 'left': 2.768225}}}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.370042, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.35679, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.350725, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.350065, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.342761, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.342155, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.3417, 'right': -23.547711, 'left': -16.930416}, 'left': -31.584855}, 'left': -1.319852}, 'left': -40.086564}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.351478, 'right': -0.461116, 'left': -19.526539}}, 'left': -32.124495}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.378965, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.373501, 'right': -8.228297, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.377383, 'right': 5.241196, 'left': 13.583555}}, 'left': -29.007783}}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.388789, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.385021, 'right': 24.816941, 'left': 21.578007}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.437652, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.412516, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.403228, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.391609, 'right': 3.001104, 'left': -1.729244}, 'left': -26.419289}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.418943, 'right': 44.161493, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.426711, 'right': -21.594268, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.428582, 'right': 15.224266, 'left': 19.745224}}}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.454312, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.446196, 'right': -5.108172, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.451087, 'right': -28.724685, 'left': -20.360067}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.454375, 'right': 3.043912, 'left': 9.841938}}}}}}}, 'left': -34.044555}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.465561, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.463241, 'right': 17.171057, 'left': 30.051931}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.467383, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.46568, 'right': -23.777531, 'left': -9.712925}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.483803, 'right': 5.224234, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.487381, 'right': 27.729263, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.487537, 'right': 5.149336, 'left': 11.924204}}}}}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.729397, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.640515, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.613004, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.606417, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.513332, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.508548, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.508542, 'right': 96.403373, 'left': 93.292829}, 'left': 101.075609}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.533511, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.51915, 'right': 116.176162, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.531944, 'right': 124.795495, 'left': 129.766743}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.548539, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.546601, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.537834, 'right': 90.995536, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.543843, 'right': 98.36201, 'left': 96.319043}}, 'left': 83.114502}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.553797, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.549814, 'right': 137.267576, 'left': 120.857321}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.560301, 'right': 82.903945, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.599142, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.589806, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.582311, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.571214, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.569327, 'right': 108.435392, 'left': 114.872056}, 'left': 82.589328}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.585413, 'right': 125.295113, 'left': 98.674874}}, 'left': 130.378529}, 'left': 93.521396}}}}}}, 'left': 168.180746}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.623909, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.618868, 'right': 76.917665, 'left': 87.181863}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.628061, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.624827, 'right': 105.970743, 'left': 117.628346}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.637999, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.632691, 'right': 93.645293, 'left': 91.656617}, 'left': 82.713621}}}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.642373, 'right': 140.613941, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.642707, 'right': 82.500766, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.665329, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.661073, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.652462, 'right': 112.715799, 'left': 115.687524}, 'left': 121.980607}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.706961, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.698472, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.689099, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.666452, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.665652, 'right': 105.547997, 'left': 120.014736}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.667851, 'right': 92.449664, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.680486, 'right': 110.367074, 'left': 112.378209}}}, 'left': 120.521925}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.69892, 'right': 92.470636, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.699873, 'right': 115.586605, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.70639, 'right': 105.062147, 'left': 106.180427}}}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.70889, 'right': 135.416767, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.716211, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.710234, 'right': 108.553919, 'left': 103.345308}, 'left': 110.90283}}}}}}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.952833, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.759504, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.740859, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.731636, 'right': 73.912028, 'left': 93.773929}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.757527, 'right': 63.549854, 'left': 81.106762}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.763328, 'right': 115.199195, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.769043, 'right': 64.041941, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.790312, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.786865, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.785574, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.777582, 'right': 100.838446, 'left': 107.024467}, 'left': 100.598825}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.787755, 'right': 118.642009, 'left': 110.15973}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.806158, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.799873, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.798198, 'right': 76.853728, 'left': 91.368473}, 'left': 62.877698}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.815215, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.811602, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.811363, 'right': 112.981216, 'left': 99.841379}, 'left': 118.319942}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.833026, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.823848, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.819722, 'right': 70.054508, 'left': 59.342323}, 'left': 76.723835}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.841547, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.838587, 'right': 134.089674, 'left': 115.669032}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.841625, 'right': 60.552308, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.944221, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.85497, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.84294, 'right': 95.893131, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.847219, 'right': 76.240984, 'left': 89.20993}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.936524, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.934853, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.925782, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.910975, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.901444, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.901421, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.892999, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.888426, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.872199, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.866451, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.856421, 'right': 107.166848, 'left': 94.402102}, 'left': 111.552716}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.883615, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.872883, 'right': 95.887712, 'left': 95.348184}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.885676, 'right': 108.045948, 'left': 94.896354}}}, 'left': 82.436686}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.900699, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.896683, 'right': 107.00162, 'left': 109.188248}, 'left': 100.133819}}, 'left': 87.300625}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.908629, 'right': 118.513475, 'left': 106.814667}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.912161, 'right': 85.005351, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.915263, 'right': 96.71761, 'left': 92.074619}}}, 'left': 115.753994}, 'left': 65.548418}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.937766, 'right': 119.949824, 'left': 100.120253}}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.948822, 'right': 69.318649, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.949198, 'right': 105.752508, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.952377, 'right': 73.520802, 'left': 100.649591}}}}}}}}}}}}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.965969, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.956951, 'right': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.953902, 'right': 130.92648, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.954711, 'right': 100.935789, 'left': 82.016541}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.958512, 'right': 135.837013, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.960398, 'right': 123.559747, 'left': 112.386764}}}, 'left': {'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.968621, 'right': 98.648346, 'left': 86.399637}}}}}



if __name__=='__main__':    myMat2 = loadDataSet('ex2.txt')    myMat2 = mat(myMat2)    myTree = createTree(myMat2, ops=(10000, 4))    print(myTree)


{'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.499171, 'left': 101.35815937735848, 'right': -2.637719329787234}









基于已有的树切分测试数据:    如果存在任一子集是一棵树,则在该子集递归剪枝过程    计算将当前两个叶子节点合并后的误差    计算不合并的误差    如果合并会降低误差则合并


def isTree(obj):  # 测试输入变量是否是一棵树,返回布尔型的结果,用于判断当前处理的节点是否是叶节点    return (type(obj).__name__ == "dict")def getMean(tree):  # 递归函数,从上到下遍历树直到叶节点为止。如果找到两个叶节点则计算它们的平均值。该函数对树进行塌陷处理    if isTree(tree["right"]):        tree["right"] = getMean(tree["right"])    if isTree(tree["left"]):        tree["left"] = getMean(tree["left"])    return (tree["left"] + tree["right"]) / 2.0def prune(tree, testData):  #参数:待剪枝的树与剪枝所需的测试数据    if shape(testData)[0] == 0:     #没有测试数据则对树进行塌陷处理        return getMean(tree)    if (isTree(tree['right']) or isTree(tree['left'])):  #        lSet, rSet = binSplitDataSet(testData, tree['spInd'], tree['spVal'])    if isTree(tree['left']):        tree['left'] = prune(tree['left'], lSet)    if isTree(tree['right']):        tree['right'] = prune(tree['right'], rSet)    if not isTree(tree['left']) and not isTree(tree['right']):        lSet, rSet = binSplitDataSet(testData, tree['spInd'], tree['spVal'])        errorNoMerge = sum(power(lSet[:, -1] - tree['left'], 2)) + sum(power(rSet[:, -1] - tree['right'], 2))        treeMean = (tree['left'] + tree['right']) / 2.0        errorMerge = sum(power(testData[:, -1] - treeMean, 2))        if errorMerge < errorNoMerge:            print("融合")            return treeMean        else:            return tree    else:        return tree





if __name__=='__main__':    myMat2=loadDataSet('ex2.txt')    myMat2=mat(myMat2)    myTree = createTree(myMat2, ops=(0, 1))    myDat2Test = loadDataSet("ex2test.txt")    myMat2Test = mat(myDat2Test)    result=prune(myTree, myMat2Test)    print(result)


'left': {
'left': {
'left': {
'left': 92.5239915, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.965969, 'right': {
'left': {
'left': {
'left': 112.386764, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.960398, 'right': 123.559747}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.958512, 'right': 135.837013}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.956951, 'right': 111.2013225}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.952833, 'right': {
'left': {
'left': {
'left': {
'left': {
'left': {
'left': {
'left': {
'left': {
'left': {
'left': {
'left': 96.41885225, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.948822, 'right': 69.318649}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.944221, 'right': {
'left': {
'left': 110.03503850000001, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.936524, 'right': {
'left': 65.548418, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.934853, 'right': {
'left': 115.753994, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.925782, 'right': {
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'left': 114.4008695, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.786865, 'right': 102.26514075}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.769043, 'right': 64.041941}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.763328, 'right': 115.199195}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.759504, 'right': 78.08564325}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.729397, 'right': {
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'left': 106.180427, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.70639, 'right': 105.062147}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.699873, 'right': 115.586605}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.69892, 'right': 92.470636}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.698472, 'right': {
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'left': 101.91115275, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.666452, 'right': 112.78136649999999}}}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.665329, 'right': {
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'left': 115.687524, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.652462, 'right': 112.715799}}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.642707, 'right': 82.500766}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.642373, 'right': 140.613941}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.640515, 'right': {
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'left': 82.713621, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.637999, 'right': {
'left': 91.656617, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.632691, 'right': 93.645293}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.628061, 'right': {
'left': 117.628346, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.624827, 'right': 105.970743}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.623909, 'right': 82.04976400000001}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.613004, 'right': {
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'left': {
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'left': 93.521396, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.599142, 'right': {
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'left': 114.872056, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.569327, 'right': 108.435392}}}}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.560301, 'right': 82.903945}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.553797, 'right': 129.0624485}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.548539, 'right': {
'left': 83.114502, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.546601, 'right': {
'left': 97.3405265, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.537834, 'right': 90.995536}}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.533511, 'right': {
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'left': 129.766743, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.531944, 'right': 124.795495}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.51915, 'right': 116.176162}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.513332, 'right': {
'left': 101.075609, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.508548, 'right': {
'left': 93.292829, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.508542, 'right': 96.403373}}}}}}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.499171, 'right': {
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'left': 8.53677, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.487381, 'right': 27.729263}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.483803, 'right': 5.224234}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.467383, 'right': {
'left': -9.712925, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.46568, 'right': -23.777531}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.465561, 'right': {
'left': 30.051931, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.463241, 'right': 17.171057}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.457563, 'right': {
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'left': -4.1911745, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.437652, 'right': {
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'left': {
'left': 19.745224, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.428582, 'right': 15.224266}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.426711, 'right': -21.594268}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.418943, 'right': 44.161493}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.412516, 'right': {
'left': -26.419289, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.403228, 'right': 0.6359300000000001}}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.388789, 'right': 23.197474}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.382037, 'right': {
'left': {
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'left': -29.007783, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.378965, 'right': {
'left': {
'left': 13.583555, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.377383, 'right': 5.241196}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.373501, 'right': -8.228297}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.370042, 'right': {
'left': -32.124495, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.35679, 'right': {
'left': -9.9938275, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.350725, 'right': -26.851234812500003}}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.335182, 'right': {
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'left': {
'left': -20.3973335, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.310956, 'right': -49.939516}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.309133, 'right': {
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'left': {
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'left': {
'left': 8.814725, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.300318, 'right': {
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'left': -14.988279, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.290749, 'right': -14.391613}}}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.284794, 'right': {
'left': 35.623746, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.273863, 'right': {
'left': -9.457556, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.264926, 'right': {
'left': 5.280579, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.264639, 'right': 2.557923}}}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.25807, 'right': {
'left': {
'left': -9.601409499999999, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.228751, 'right': -30.812912}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.228628, 'right': -2.266273}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.228473, 'right': 6.099239}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.211633, 'right': {
'left': -16.42737025, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.202161, 'right': -2.6781805}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.193282, 'right': 9.5773855}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.166765, 'right': {
'left': {
'left': {
'left': -14.740059, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.166431, 'right': -6.512506}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.164134, 'right': -27.405211}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.156273, 'right': 0.225886}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.156067, 'right': {
'left': 7.557349, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.13988, 'right': 7.336784}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.138619, 'right': -29.087463}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.131833, 'right': 22.478291}}}}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.130626, 'right': -39.524461}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.126833, 'right': {
'left': 22.891675, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.124723, 'right': {
'left': {
'left': 6.196516, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.108801, 'right': {
'left': -16.106164, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.10796, 'right': {
'left': -1.293195, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.085873, 'right': -10.137104}}}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.085111, 'right': {
'left': 37.820659, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.084661, 'right': {
'left': -24.132226, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.080061, 'right': {
'left': 15.824970500000001, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.068373, 'right': {
'left': -15.160836, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.061219, 'right': {
'left': {
'left': {
'left': 6.695567, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.055862, 'right': -3.131497}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.053764, 'right': -13.731698}, 'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.044737, 'right': 4.091626}}}}}}}}}}}
View Code






def linearSolve(dataSet):    m, n = shape(dataSet)    X = mat(ones((m, n)))  #第一列仍为1    Y = mat(ones((m, 1)))    X[:, 1:n] = dataSet[:, 0:n - 1]    # print('X:',X)    Y = dataSet[:, -1]  # 将X,Y中的数据格式化    # print('Y:',Y)    xTx = X.T * X    if linalg.det(xTx) == 0.0:        raise NameError("此矩阵不可逆。")        # ws = linalg.pinv(xTx) * (X.T * Y)    ws = xTx.I * (X.T * Y)    return ws, X, Ydef modelLeaf(dataSet):  # 当数据不再需要切分的时候它负责生成叶节点模型    ws, X, Y = linearSolve(dataSet)    return wsdef modelErr(dataSet):    ws, X, Y = linearSolve(dataSet)    yHat = X * ws    return sum(power(Y - yHat, 2))




myMat=mat(loadDataSet('exp2.txt'))    plotPoint(myMat)    myTree=createTree(myMat,modelLeaf,modelErr,(1,10))    print(myTree)



{'spInd': 0, 'spVal': 0.285477, 'right': matrix([[3.46877936],        [1.18521743]]), 'left': matrix([[1.69855694e-03],        [1.19647739e+01]])}





def regTreeEval(model, inDat):  #回归树效果评估    return float(model)def modelTreeEval(model, inDat):    #模型树效果评估    n = shape(inDat)[1]    X = mat(ones((1, n + 1)))    X[:, 1:n + 1] = inDat    return float(X * model)def treeForeCast(tree, inData, modelEval=regTreeEval):    if not isTree(tree):        return modelEval(tree, inData)  # 如果输入单个数据或行向量,返回一个浮点值    else:        if inData[tree["spInd"]] > tree["spVal"]:            if isTree(tree["left"]):                return treeForeCast(tree["left"], inData, modelEval)            else:                return modelEval(tree["left"], inData)        else:            if isTree(tree["right"]):                return treeForeCast(tree["right"], inData, modelEval)            else:                return modelEval(tree["right"], inData)def createForeCast(tree, testData, modelEval=regTreeEval):  #测试不同回归树的效果    m = len(testData)    yHat = mat(zeros((m, 1)))    for i in range(m):        yHat[i, 0] = treeForeCast(tree, mat(testData[i]), modelEval)  # 多次调用treeForeCast函数,将结果以列的形式放到yHat变量中    return yHat



if __name__=='__main__':    trainMat = mat(loadDataSet("bikeSpeedVsIq_train.txt"))    testMat = mat(loadDataSet("bikeSpeedVsIq_test.txt"))    myTree = createTree(trainMat, ops=(1, 20))    yHat = createForeCast(myTree, testMat[:, 0])    print("回归树的相关系数:", corrcoef(yHat, testMat[:, -1], rowvar=0)[0, 1])    myTree = createTree(trainMat, modelLeaf, modelErr, (1, 20))    yHat = createForeCast(myTree, testMat[:, 0], modelTreeEval)    print("模型树的相关系数:", corrcoef(yHat, testMat[:, -1], rowvar=0)[0, 1])    ws, X, Y = linearSolve(trainMat)    print("线性回归系数:", ws)    for i in range(shape(testMat)[0]):        yHat[i] = testMat[i, 0] * ws[1, 0] + ws[0, 0]    print("线性回归模型的相关系数:", corrcoef(yHat, testMat[:, -1], rowvar=0)[0, 1])


回归树的相关系数: 0.964085231822215模型树的相关系数: 0.9760412191380629线性回归系数: [[37.58916794] [ 6.18978355]]线性回归模型的相关系数: 0.9434684235674766




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